Silver buckshot

I have met avid readers who tell me they won’t go near memoir and personal essay, perceiving it a self-absorbed genre full of trauma or egoistic navel gazing. It’s hard to hear because I mostly write about myself and my world, hoping to at least tap into a universal human experience for readers to relate to in some shape or another. It never occurred to me that the missing ingredient to that relatability might be a rich setting or environment.

…on mental health, Tourette’s, horses and cats

Our property really isn’t ideal for horses. We only have a few spare acres of slope, prone to bog in the wet season, wild weeds in the dry. We would need some sort of shelter, and storage for feed. We’d need to shore up our fences and gates and make allies of our neighbours. There’dContinue reading “…on mental health, Tourette’s, horses and cats”

… on cultivating adult friendships

Confession: I crave deep and genuine friendships with other women. I suppose I want to replicate the kind of besties that I easily found in high school or my university years, upon starting a new job, and becoming a mother. Back then, with more available time and energy, fewer commitments, a different attitude to vulnerability and spontaneity, connecting with other women was relatively effortless. What has changed?

… on bleeding.

“Uterus” by Fanni Fazekas (copyright 2002). Pencil, pen, coloured pencils on paper. A naked woman lies over a spherical uterus drawn with blood vessels. Her hair spills in colour over the floor. The image “Uterus” represents the woman at the beginning of her menstruation, at the point when the veins break under tension in the womb.